Why do we need Net Zero?

Concerningly, the Earth’s average temperature has already increased by appromixately 1.1 above pre industrial levels, according to a 2021 assessment by the IPCC.

Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change, adopted in 2015 was meant to keep the global average temperature “well below 2°C above pre industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature
increase to 1.5°C”.

Keep temperatures

In order to keep temperatures below the 1.5°C target, it is deemed necessary to achieve a global Net Zero emissions output by 2050.

Extreme weather events

Failure to meet this target will likely lead to an increase in extreme weather events, including record breaking temperatures, and catastrophic droughts and flooding.


Q3-Q4 2022
  • Launch socials
  • Develop partnerships & collaborations
  • Begin reforestation with veritree
  • Mint 55 Zero Citizens Postcard Collection

Q1 2023
  • Become a regitered carbon credit account holder with Verra
  • Finalise Zero Citizen NFTs
  • Launch Carbon Balance Service – Closed Alpha

Q2 2023
  • Mint Zero Citizen NFT Collection (2,050)
  • Launch Carbon Balance Service – Open Beta
  • Continue reforestation with veritree

Q3 2023
  • Begin carbon credit marketplace development
  • Secure a launch date and platform for the $0CZN Inital Token Offering (ITO)

Q4 2023
  • Begin Net Zero Reward System Development
  • Launch/Partner with a Stake Pool

Q1 2024
  • Launch the full release of Carbon Balance Service
  • Begin Carbon Credit Standisation and Ecosystem Development
  • Launch the carbon credit marketplace

Q2 2024
  • Launch the Closed Alpha of the Net Zero Reward System

Closed Alpha – Now live!

Start making a difference in the fight against climate change. Together, we can create a more sustainable future for us all.

What is our Carbon Balance Service?

We provides valuable insights and analytics to help you understand your carbon footprint and track your progress over time. With our powerful reporting tools, you can see exactly how much carbon you’ve offset and make informed
decisions about how to further reduce your impact on the planet.

Our team

Meet our members

About us

Zero Citizen is being developed to support the fight against climate change. Building on the Cardano blockchain, Zero Citizen will bridge the gap between the cryptocurrency universe and the real world by enabling the masses to
become carbon neutral, as well as rewarding people for using services and products that contribute towards cutting emissions and combatting climate change.
