Carbon Balance Service

The Carbon Balance Service streamlines carbon management for individuals and businesses, offering tailored certifications to help users understand, reduce, and offset their carbon footprints, driving progress towards a sustainable, net-zero future.

6 main steps

The Carbon Balance Service has 6 main steps


User calculates their carbon footprint.


User completes transaction for Zero Citizen’s Carbon Balance Service.


Zero Citizen balances the user's carbon footprint using carbon credits we’ve acquired.


Users receive guidance on how to reduce their carbon footprint.


Zero Citizen provides certification for users to display their carbon neutral status.


We’ll keep a record of calculated carbon footprints, which will make it easier to renew each time our service is used.

The user calculates their carbon footprint. Our bespoke Carbon Emissions Calculator, has tailored settings for individuals, businesses/projects and blockchain validators. Once the final calculations have been made, the user’s emissions will be totalled, and a price offered to them to utilise our Carbon Balance Service and subsequently become carbon neutral.

Users will be able to pay via traditional FIAT currencies (£/$/€ etc.), as well as select cryptocurrencies, including $ADA and our native $0CZN tokens.

Once the transaction has gone through, Zero Citizen will balance the user’s carbon footprint using carbon credits. Additionally, the user will receive guidance on how to reduce their carbon footprints going forward.


Our tiered certification approach provides a range of options to accommodate the unique needs of individuals and businesses. With this flexible approach, we can effectively help individuals and organizations of all sizes work towards a sustainable, net-zero future.
Critically, this will also be available on blockchains, providing all the benefits of decentralisation, immutability, and the ability to provide benefits to holders.
A key component of this certification is incentivisation. Our intention is to make it so that the benefits alone make it worthwhile obtaining our Carbon Neutral certification. This means that we will work with partners to enable benefits to both blockchain and non-blockchain customers.

Basic Certification

Enhanced Certification

Premium Certification